Lifetime Current Affairs Classes with Red Notes

A Brainbrewery Education Initiative

Res Indica IAS Academy



Course Overview

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Current Affairs Classes.

Bcome a GURU of Current Affairs with this Current Affairs Class with Notes Programme. Get lifetime access to Live and Recorded Classes on Current Affairs.

Each and Every Topic of Current Affairs relevant for UPSC exam is covered and taught in the Course and new topics are being added on weekly basis. 
Topics from Newspapers like The Hindu, The Indian Express and Pib, Yojana, Kurukshetra are entirely covered in the course. Exquisite Study Material analysing Budgets & Economic Surveys is included in the course as a bonus.
Apart from current affairs Res Indica Academy is also providing many lectures on Static Topics which are related to current events and are fundamental for developing conceptual understanding of these topics which is important from mains examination point of view.
Each and every lecture is conducted considering the demands of both mains and prelims examinations as our approach is to prepare the aspirants for integrated preparation.
Content is exquisite and carefully curated for UPSC aspirants covering both conceptual and factual aspects of topics ensuring holistic 360° learning.
All the Lectures and Notes are up to date with latest facts and figures.
Red Notes Content is designed to accommodate as much points as possible and portray a multi-dimensional perspective.
Structure of Red Notes are kept such that students can easily do SWOT analysis of an issue/event and replicate them in Mains examination in standard format like Introduction, body, way forward and conclusion.
Aspirants would be able to revise study material 20X faster with this Mind Map Notes course.
Classes are segregated in several themes/subjects like Polity, Economy, Environment, Science and Technology etc. to help aspirants “think” similar ideas together and “link” them appropriately.

24X7 Academic Help and Counselling are available through WhatsApp with this Course.

Accept the BHULNA BHULOGE challenge.

Enrol in this GAME CHANGER course if you really want something intellectually intriguing, satisfying and engaging.


Current Affairs - L1
Current Affairs - L2
Current Affairs - L3

Demo Lecture Video

Rs: 499
  • Answer writing with Group Discussion and Mentorship: Rs.4999
  • Pictographic Design-Based Red Notes : Rs.1499
  • Prelims Gold Test Portal with Audio and Images: Rs. 2999
  • CSAT Classes: Rs. 2999

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